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North Haven:  Join us for the 2025 Lenten Walk as we gather for the Stations of the Cross beginning on March 25th, Tuesday’s at 5:00pm (also April 1st, 8th, and 15th) at the All Saints Cemetery Mausoleum. The Walk will continue for 4 weeks only ending the Tuesday of Holy week. Please mark your calendar to SAVE THE DATES.  There is no registration required. Please wear “weather-appropriate” clothing. This event will take place outdoors. Walking is of moderate intensity. We will be walking up and down hills and stopping to stand at each Station to pray. Those interested in taking on a more responsible role, please reach out to Barbara at 203 780-8418 or email her at bgode@ccacem.org.  Visit our website often for any scheduling updates at www.ccacem.org


Location Address:

All Saints Cemetery Mausoleum

700 Middletown Ave.

North Haven, CT  06473

Parking available near the Mausoleum


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