When a loved one dies, that first moment after can be very overwhelming. A lot of questions are likely running through your head, thinking about all the things you need to take care of to allow your loved one to rest in peace.
But you’re also just starting your journey through grief. Whether the loss was expected or sudden, your mind and heart can never fully prepare for how you feel in that first moment of knowing your loved one has passed.
While your mind spins and your heart aches, you’ll likely struggle to find the answer to one fundamental question: “What should I do first?”
Where Should You Go First When a Loved One Dies?
One of the immediate questions that may be swimming through your mind after the loss of a loved one is where they’ll find eternal rest. Many may answer that question by deciding that a cemetery is where their loved one belongs, but that decision can lead to a further flurry of uncertainties, which is where the Catholic Cemeteries Association can play a helpful role.
Many people believe that the only time to visit a Catholic cemetery is if you plan on a Catholic burial. It is true that we offer specific ways to help Catholic believers find peace on our beautiful, tranquil grounds. We offer the Catholic Funeral Plan, which ensures that you and your loved ones receive the Catholic Funeral Rites and are treated with the respect and care you deserve in accordance with your beliefs.
However, we do not discriminate in whom we provide care, and we offer a variety of burial and memorialization options, regardless of a person’s religious background. When you meet with our Family Service Advisor, they can guide you through finding the services and support you need and help you memorialize your loved one in the way that’s right for them.
Whether you opt to bury a loved one in one of our cemeteries or choose a public or another type of cemetery, a consultation with our Family Service Advisor is completely complimentary and is simply a part of our effort to assist our friends and neighbors during their most challenging moments.
We understand that right after losing a loved one brings about a wash of emotions and grief, so much so that it can be difficult to know where to turn and what to do now. Whether you plan on a burial in the peaceful grounds in our care or not, we’re here to offer support and guidance to make these stressful times a bit easier to navigate.