700 Middletown Ave. North Haven, CT 06473
Our staff is here to help you. We have 30 locations throughout three counties in the state of Connecticut: Hartford, Litchfield and New Haven, serving the needs of our Catholic families for over 50 years.
Al Keogler (203) 507-7139 akeogler@ccacem.org
Amy Chester (203) 507-7509 achester@ccacem.org
Anthony Caraluzzi (203) 507-6952 acaraluzzi@ccacem.org
Brad Anderson (203) 738-9498 banderson@ccacem.org
Jacqueline Pence (203) 507-8615 jpence@ccacem.org
Katrina Johnson (203) 923-5854 Kjohnson@ccacem.org
Lydia Cassarino (203) 507-8328 lcassarino@ccacem.org
Susan Palladino (203) 507-8649 spalladino@ccacem.org
Nikia Fulton (203) 668-2087 Nfulton@ccacem.org
Joan McMahon (203) 338-1632 Jmcmahon@ccacem.org
Shiquan Roman (203) 668-5751 sroman@ccacem.org
Bettina Mallardi (203) 507-8234 bmallardi@ccacem.org