Choosing to spend eternity together is a beautiful way to show that the love between you and your partner does not end with your passing. When you pick out a burial plot in a cemetery, you’re deciding on a space where you can continue to be in one another’s company after your time together in this world has passed.
However, it’s not uncommon for couples to not entirely be on the same page when it comes to how they plan to rest during that eternity. With cremation becoming increasingly common, some partners are struggling with the question of what to do if one spouse wants to be cremated and the other does not. If only one spouse is cremated, can a couple still be buried together?
Can you be buried with your spouse if you’re not both cremated?
In most cases, spouses can be buried together even if they haven’t chosen the same form of final disposition. However, there are a few caveats. The first thing to note is that you can’t be buried in the same container. Generally, your spouse, who chose not to be cremated, would be buried in a casket. You, after cremation, will be buried in an urn.
Different cemeteries have different regulations in terms of burial options for cremated and non-cremated remains. In some cases, a cemetery will require that the urn be buried on top of a casket.
Other cemeteries may not allow cremated remains to be buried in the same plot. In this case, you would need to purchase side-by-side plots to be buried beside your spouse. Ultimately, burial regulations vary by cemetery, which is why it’s vital to be sure the cemetery you choose to work with understands your wish for burial with your spouse.
Preplanning your final disposition can help you address these concerns and allow you to rest easy knowing your final wishes will be carried out after your passing. When you preplan, you can choose your and your spouse’s burial plot, learn about the burial regulations of the cemetery of your choosing, and ensure that you’ve put in place plans to be together forever.